Tefnwt En Ha Ba Ra

Really good interview. Love the seeds being planted

Aug 26 at 12:34 AM

Someone please translate wtf he was talking about

Commented on Aftershow 4.1.22

Apr 06 at 10:06 PM


Feb 12 at 01:58 AM

. A CHILD-Rape is NOTHING to PLAY with

Feb 12 at 01:46 AM

Wish I knew full name of everybody else. We need more platforms bringing names and direct attention to this.

Feb 12 at 01:37 AM

He is still on the Prowl

Feb 12 at 01:36 AM

I want to call out another molester (I consider rapist) DASAVIUS GEORGE who is still free as the pigs and prosecutor has yet to snatch him up.

Feb 12 at 01:35 AM

There are things that resonated as I too have been through a very similar situation being raped and molested and more by various individuals. Including family members and individuals Relatives baby fathers and first cousins. With adult witnessing and seeing things and choosing to ignore. Even with me and other individuals bringing it directly to our parents attention and nothing being done

Feb 12 at 01:33 AM

First of all thank you Tasha for bringing the story too late and to the individual who publicly told the story.
Can u include links since you will not post