Ashleigh Covington

New York, NY, United States


Jan 30 at 12:30 AM

I can’t believe I went a whole 24 hours with just water. This community post made it so much easier cause I would have never did this alone🙏🏾



Jan 28 at 11:36 PM

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so proud of all of us this isn't easy but I love the results


Jan 25 at 07:39 PM

This was such a great recipe to all of you leaving the homemade veggie burger recipes thank you so much I took a little of everyone's ingredients and added sweet potato and some shredded beets.Then added some roasted cabbage baby spinach and kale and after that I was full. My kids 14 and 12 are even trying to eat some of my plate which is a miracle lol.


Jan 23 at 04:05 PM

Keeping it simple today but still tasty


Jan 21 at 05:14 PM

So happy I got through the first day water really got me through. Now I can snack for the next 8 hours lol so proud of all of us



Jan 19 at 07:49 PM

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Just Realized the pics didn't load from yesterday had to update.

Another stir fry lol I cant help it i love cooking on the stove top. Carrots, cabbage, mushrooms, celery, string beans, all color peppers and baby spinach sautéed in coconut oil.

Also I boiled some chopped sweet potatoes and seared them in a pan only used half. Then mashed the other half with some cinnamon ginger and half a mashed banana for dessert.



Jan 18 at 04:02 PM

I’m now looking at fruit like I never have before. This is like the dessert I can’t wait to get to.



Jan 17 at 09:01 AM

Working on breakfast now. Good luck everyone



Jan 16 at 07:17 PM

I’m actually shocked at the natural salt that was already in the vegetables. I’m definitely doing this often