

Feb 23 at 06:53 PM

Y’all seen this??



Feb 14 at 12:04 AM

Hey Tasha, do you think you could get an interview with Mary Konye? She poured acid on her best friend who was dating a very popular rapper who she says groomed her from 13 & got her pregnant multiple times while underage . Maybe you can get her to spill on who the rapper was? She was sentenced to 12 years and only did 6! She’s been out for a while now. If anyone can get her to talk I think you can. Very interesting case


Nov 17 at 04:10 PM

Can we get a interview with Ms Pats first baby dad? Or his ex wife? I’d like to know how tf he excuses getting her pregnant at 13 and shooting her in the head but is still bragging about her being his BM


Nov 04 at 09:53 PM


This is where i stayed when I went. The pool was everything and the taco place downstairs was really good


Nov 04 at 09:51 PM

If you can I’d recommend Airbnb for Houston. They had some really nice options when I went. I was super satisfied
