Brandee March 10 Pisces

Cleveland, OH, United States

Birthday Twin…. Great show… feel better 🍷🍷🍷… great prespective on the Breakfast Club situation…

Jun 10 at 10:00 PM

Birthday Twin….. this is dope. Great job. Kebe Studios is paving the way for commentary that others big names feel may be irrelevant until they see newcomers like you are able to start conversations without going thru what they have to…you seemed to make them comfortable and they seem to be open to discuss their truth without being reserved

May 27 at 08:15 PM


May 12 at 06:15 AM

I lovvvvvve Chek’s conversation …. Tasha keep it coming… it’s the sneak dis for me…..🤣😩…(Tasha go get that dayum Bendryl Crème for your nose)

Apr 29 at 04:27 PM

Tasha this so true about your personality I really think it’s a Pisces thing, you and I share the same birthday and I am like that in so many ways. We have always been rooting for the underdogs and Developing people because we see their potential more than they do. We are natural born leaders however we do get so drained and overwhelmed with the additional baggage did they bring to the relationship

Apr 29 at 10:46 AM

It’s distracting when Chelsea talks off screen, she needs to be on camera

Mar 05 at 08:47 AM

Birthday Twin, 3/10/198_