Theia Davis


May 25 at 05:26 PM

Hey Wineville haven’t been present here much lately but I’m going to tell my business cause I love y’all) if I ever get famous don’t tell my shit 😂)

Anywho I almost lost my Mom 3 times in the past 3 months. Last week being the most current.

Long story short, she’s been sober going on 14 years, which came w/ a long line of health problem. I didn’t build a relationship with her until she became sober( Dad raised me🫶🏽) but I realized I really don’t love on her like I did my Dad cause of resentment. Now I’m on her ass like white on rice almost losing her. She wasn’t the best Mom but isan amazing Granny. So if no one told you today I love you and someone else does too. Love on someone today!

Now back to your wine 💙 see y’all tomorrow 🍷🍷🍷



Apr 26 at 10:26 PM

Hey, as y’all know Tasha going on vacation May 1st through the 7th. So y’all know what we gotta do Friday?!!!

Let’s go winos 🍷🍷🍷#Wineville



Apr 18 at 03:20 PM

Please tell me y’all seen video with someone Unc pissed about that crying baby on the flight???!!



Apr 07 at 03:33 PM

Happppppppy Friday. Soooooo I have an idea, same idea a few of you already have. I get why Tasha don’t want to ask, even I don’t like asking people for shit even when I damn sure need it but, if Chelsea or Jas he’ll even Slim start some type of account everyone can donate $5 to would be amazing!

I seriously feel the entire case was bs forreal. I’ve heard worse come out of others mouth but anywho. I’m down to donate SERIOUSLY. 💙 See y’all tonight 🍷



Apr 06 at 07:40 PM

Hey y’all Happy Thursdays 🍷 I discovering Tasha a few years ago, I still watched other people’s podcast (pretty sure they didn’t care for Tasha) But because I didn’t know any parties personally I didn’t feel a way about it. Nowww I’m starting to look at the others sideways 😂 I just got in an argument with my sister when she asked what I was watching. It ended with her saying “you met this bitch or something” I yelled 🗣️NOT YET BITCH BYE!

I’m officially biased 😂😂😂 have a great night 🍷🍷🍷🍷



Apr 05 at 11:31 PM

Hey winos 🍷on tonight’s live Tasha jshe said she talked about the case last night. Which video that’s under?


Have a great night 🫶🏽



Mar 09 at 01:44 PM

Hey y’all, I hear y’all had a time last night! 🫶🏽 I was thinking of you all the entire day and that kept my mind off my sciatica, which has been killing me. Anywho, so proud and happy for you Tasha and family. Hopefully the next one my back will allow me to make it. #NowIGottaGoBYE 💙💙💙



Feb 02 at 07:25 PM

I hear CONGRATULATIONS are in order for a Licensing deal!!!

I’m so happy for you Tasha and Chek( sorry if I spelled it wrong)

So amazing to watch how far you all have come!! Now let to get my shit together so I can say BISH IM TASHA K ESTHETICIAN 😂

Its never too late to follow dreams! Here’s to you all 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷 #NowIGottaGoBYE



Jan 12 at 07:59 PM

Hey winos because I love y’all so much, I wanted to share I graduated Esthetics school today! Up next is Nursing school! Hope everyone is having a great Thursday and keep reaching for your dreams! Now back to your wine 💙 I have to get mentally prepared for this detox 🥴



Dec 27 at 05:08 PM

The way my Christmas break going, I need content daily! 😂 I’m checking every other day to see if Tasha posted an interview🥴 anyone else or is it just my bored ass? 🍷🍷🍷