Trina Folkes

Mar 11 at 09:38 PM

What in the world is going on?  🤦🏾‍♀️

Therapy is needed, she needs therapy the kids need therapy, and if there’s a pet in the house it needs therapy too.  This family is highly dis functional.  Mothers remember a daughter’s first love is her dad, I can’t imagine as a daddy’s girl losing my dad to suicide and knowing he shot my mom 10xs.  Mom get yiur family help before someone repeat this behavior!

Lawd the Bishop was abusive, mom stayed with him, would leave the house with her other child nit to hear the screams!  This is crazy! His mother was just as bad she left her child to endure her maniac husband.  This is a lot.

Feb 27 at 07:17 PM

Yeah she was for him and he was for her.  R.I.P. sir.

Why do people give this dusty any time is insane.  The first time I saw Umar scammer was written all over him!  Black people most idiots who spew what he spew nine times out of ten he’s a liar or scammer!  A school that will never come to fruition!!


Didn’t know Bill Clinton has a son (black) can’t wait to see this hopefully there are receipts of DNA there are too many people out here with mental issues stating celebrities are their parents 🤷🏾‍♀️


Sing LaTocha. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Nyla’s giiirrlllll, there are other ways to fast beside food.  He’s asking people to do a financial fast, which most church do in the 3rd quarter of the year!  Tasha, Nyla’s needs to do her research because this will not go well for her on this channel with those of us who know 🤷🏾‍♀️

Obviously Nyla’s doesn’t understand birthing something spiritual, you took a clip and took it out of context!  Now I see why Nyla’s was banned from YouTube…🤦🏾‍♀️
