Trina Folkes

Tasha, did you FIRE Chelsea yet.  She is over on consciouz TV and what she is saying I this interview she is running the entire bus over you!  I don’t watch this one hair eyed individual but I saw your face and Chelsea face on the advertisement and went to be a little nosy.  Check it out for yourself, oh girl is throwing up under the bus and running you over!

That interview is telling…never seen Remy look so sad and defeated.  Something is wrong one way or another.  Praying this isn’t true.  And Tasha K you are right Papose sound just like Ike Turner!

My 2 cents for sure a man’s sperm  is a clear factor and contributory to the birth defects of his child.  Everything pass through the sperm.  I absolutely do not believe him.  Lastly he stopped Tasha from saying certain charges was dropped because they were not!

As soon as Steve started lying God made him choke through it!  🤣🤣🤣

OMG HE CHOKED HIS BABY🥲. She need to run and not look back!


Eva looks terrible, my goodness.  OMG I can’t understand 

Better days are coming!  Praying God peace and comfort to whatever her situation is, praying God send all the right people to her that will be her sisters and strength when she’s weak 🖤🖤🖤

Praying for her mental stability.  This woman needs Jesus!


Lord help this generation…never been to a man house yet you have his baby?  Nick Cannon baby mommas are not you young lady Nick claiming ALL OF HIS TRIBE!!  Sorry but she sounds like she was in it for the game and money $20k to ride and around and talk 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Yeah sell that to the plumber who came to change door knobs… LOL   She was in it for what it was and got played!