Trina Folkes

Jun 01 at 02:26 PM


So true.  I shared this with my children at a very early age.  Intimacy is most sacred!  Be careful who you lay with, spirits and soul ties are real. 

She is a hot mess!  We need to pray for her babies!  Thank God the oldest one is in a stable environment.

anti bsyou took the words out of my mouth 🤣


When she made the statement dressing little girls up and sending them out.  I said this chick no empathy for you not only a side chick but your an accessory to the foolery he was doing!  Dummy you just told in yourself!  If slow had a picture it’s Unique or whatever her name is!!!

Emonithat point

20 mins in I have decided to just listen and cease commenting.  She is definitely very young minded.

My thoughts also… you have 3 kids why are you chafing a man, sending home money, and gave him 5yrs. of your life ALL FOR NOTHING IN RETURN!

She is dumber than coleslaw  👀 she gets the reward the dumbest, cheapest, side chick ever!  She has patience for 5yrs. Girllllllllbye!