Trina Folkes

Tiapov I find it disturbing nobody is looking at the long term effects of ai, the fact that satanic people run ai (if this is true) makes me sick as ai is used in the church, corporate l have not fully accepted ai it just doesn’t make me feel comfortable there’s something about it that gives me the creeps.

Tasha K love but  sorry Martel is a narcissist, this fool doxed his children and ex-wife he cares about nobody but himself.  Mel is blessed and it hard for people to see when God has favored a person you will see it as she thinks she’s better than you, NOPE…Mel is walking according to Gods plan and purpose and only a child of God knows and understands it’s confidence in Him that He has her!

That part…do the math that’s $1MILL DIVIDED BY 2000  = $500  A TRICK… SHE GAVE HER STUFF AWAY ACCORDING TO THE MATH 🤣🤣🤣


Praying for his mental health, this is enough to drive him crazy.  His daughter needs help, when the dad mention her mother has mental issues, my reaction so does the daughter.  


Wow this is sad.  Sorry but this Dad needs to remove himself from his daughter and never look back when it comes to her.  You can’t help someone who doesn’t want help.  Pray for her and keep it moving!


I know the football player momma like son really… this chick is the mother of my grandchildren…athletes some not all are dumb as a box a rocks when it comes to putting on a condom.🤦🏾‍♀️

I’ve been young but never had a whore phase…my momma and daddy taught this lady how to be a lady…maybe it’s the age group…so after all that he didn’t wife her up…well let’s tell her why???  Grandma said you can’t make  a whore a housewife.  


Looking like a knock-off Shaquille O’Neal 


LOL her PH Balance is definitely out of wack.
