Trina Folkes

Exactly…when you grow up with a Man you know the difference from a Man and a Boy in a Man’s body!


I’m wondering if Tasha respects marriage…well she did say she cheated on her husband 🤷🏾‍♀️


With all the cheating he’s done he’s lucky that’s all she’s done!


lol she can have him…nobody with any good sense would go after him you must have very bad taste in men…any man who stay bashing his children mother is trash!


We know he’s a liar…this is a mad jealous man that the wife left and her career and businesses took off.  When this fool said she getting flown out to fu…wasn’t he doing the same with the peasant. No he had her driving 🤣  Mel is so blessed she will take this interview with Tasha for what is is fuckery…Tasha loves to entertain the fuckery Martell his a shit show.  


lol his broke behind can’t afford a commercial 

here come the lies…nobody got the wine but him and Blaque!  🤣. Where are the Melo-meters🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾. Tasha we don’t care what this bumb has to say..he cheated if Mel went ham on that azzzz for cheating he deserved it!  And if she got her lick back after ALL HIS CHEATING GOOD FOR HER!!!!  Now take this broke, in the closet, peasant loving, fool where you got him from!  No person who ever loved a woman with 4 beautiful kids would ever come and speak ill unless he’s JEALOUS!!!   Mel got he bag this peasant lover wish he had!


At this point his wife really need to divorce him and move on.  How many times will you allow this man to make a mockery of your marriage and have you looking like a fool, with no backbone, this is crazy!  John Gray is for the streets!


Sorry Nikki after listening to your entire interview, you e never been with a man, never been in a marriage.  What you’ve had was relationships built off of no sex without marriage with 3 boys.  The last marriage the boy worked at Publix cutting meat, no car, no aspirations, no nothing!  Hopefully she now know her worth and will discern when a man is a man and a boy is a boy!