Tasha and Winos I thank y’all for this right here. My mama, daddy, 2 uncles, and both grandparents on my mom’s side all died from Cancer. I’m hearing that I can break that curse. This is life changing 😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰🥰
I’m 10 min in and Tasha you’re talking for him. You can’t say that you know that man didn’t mentally/emotionally abuse her. You picked your side and it’s, his.
Wow this was deep. Tasha does she have a Gofundme if so please drop the link in the community tab. I pray that I’m never preyed upon. Lord cover this woman and give her back every that was taken 10 fold 🙏🏽
Tasha I applaud you for this video. How you sat for that long to hear this is truly amazing. It took me 4 days to get through this mess. I will say this if those people want to follow him it ain’t got not a darn thing to do with me.
Commented on Day 10 - DETOX (Reporting Good News!)
Jan 25 at 11:10 AM