V Latrice

Jan 24 at 08:04 PM

That’s first day was very hard to find energy for workout. I just did a 15 min walk that day. Walking has been good for me

Commented on My Goodness

Jan 24 at 08:00 PM

Looks good 😋


Jan 24 at 01:55 PM

Finally got my Olive Leaf this morning. That taste hit my chest hard! Just broke my fast with some oatmeal, bananas and blueberries. Plus water 💦

This leg of the fast is proving to be a challenge. Prayer, meditation and moving my body is helping a lot. I believe in the benefits so I’m trusting the process.

Wishing you ladies well today❣️


Commented on Transparency moment

Jan 20 at 02:06 PM

Love this thank you

Jan 20 at 02:02 PM

Proud of you for staying the course 💪🏾

Jan 20 at 01:58 PM

Thanks for sharing. Sounds divine!


Jan 20 at 01:57 PM

Heyyy Ladies! Listen…I never thought not having meat at every meal was possible for me. I thought hot wings were life. Now I know it’s a choice. And I’m choosing to live! I have Graves’ disease and often struggle with insomnia, fatigue and brain fog. Since starting the detox I’ve been getting great sleep at night, waking up refreshed with more energy and clarity. I’ve also incorporated meditation and exercise in. I feel really good mentally, physically and spiritually.

So grateful for Tasha facilitating this healthy journey and the community of supportive ladies. For me this will be a life change beyond the 14-days.

I hope you all are hanging in there and doing well. 🙏🏾💞


Commented on Day 5!

Jan 20 at 01:46 PM

I feel great. Sleep has been amazing and I wake up feel refreshed

Replied on Afternoon snack

Jan 18 at 08:57 PM

Thanks I’ll try that. I did feel better after getting more water in


Jan 18 at 03:48 PM

1 / 2
2 / 2

Had slight headache this afternoon. Felt better after this. 32 oz of water so far. Getting the water in is proving to be the biggest challenge. I’m on it though 💧. Hope you ladies are hanging in there today 💪🏾💕