He’s been sleeping with that guy and was probably having sex while he was in jail. I hope she listens to Tasha’s advice. I think she thinks that somewhere in his psyche, there’s love for her but he doesn’t. She’s still putting him on this pedestal by not acknowledging what he’s done to her. The only time she looked at how he treated her was when Tasha set it out before her.
He is supposed to go to the wine cellar I thought. He did the phone interview. Now he wants his hair done before he goes on in the wine cellar. Remember, he asked if he could get his hair done first.
Commented on #WendyWilliams is making major moves…...
Jan 26 at 02:51 PM
**Wendy’s Gofundme is at $43,467. Let’s get her to that $50k with another push!! ❤️❤️