
I think air was coming out of her vagina while he was going in.

She just got back together in March of this year? I’m confused. Were in September and she’s done so soon? She spent 27 years with him and all of a sudden she’s had enough. I’m at 8:40 seconds and something’s off with her story. She doesn’t sound truthful. I don’t know about this one. I’m going to bed.


How does Jeremy flip so fast from being her husband to we’re just friends?

She is so pretty and she’s so sweet. She seemed very genuine.


You should not be running your mouth and saying anything against Tasha’s daughter. What happened to Tasha was egregious. You should be ashamed of yourself. God sees everything you’re doing. There are laws in place to recompense actions.


The evidence is before you, but you want to believe your lying eyes.

The girl and her baby with the long hair, Bondy asked a good question. Girl how long has the baby had long hair? Then the woman turns around and gets mad at people asking if the baby is a boy or a girl. Sometimes people just don’t think things through thoroughly before doing rash things.


That guy should have taken the money Diddy offered him. Cassie didn’t even get 100M did she?He also said that with therapy, he realized that he was sexually assaulted. Wouldn’t he already know that he was sexuality assaulted? That might not stand in court.
