💫Charyl 💫

Mar 14 at 09:54 AM

🥳 Happy bEARTHday Tasha! 🥳


Mar 12 at 01:35 PM

Tasha looks like her sisters & mama in this pic 😻

Mar 12 at 01:34 PM

I stopped watching. I was bored, and it bothered me that @IamTheAshley had a bare wall as her background. 😩Get some tapestry or something back there.

Tasha with the wiiiiiiiiiiine 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷

I’m not a body language expert, but I’ve noticed that Chantel shakes her head no when she’s describing what was done to her in those clips. That’s typically a sign of lying.


Feb 17 at 09:44 AM

Larry Reid

Feb 17 at 09:44 AM


That Planned Parenthood commercial was disturbing 😣


Commented on Tonight at 8 Pm Est.

Feb 07 at 02:22 PM

I was looking for this interview the other day, thinking it was already posted 😅 FINALLY!
