
Commented on Transparency moment

Jan 19 at 06:12 PM

Awwww - thank you so much! I receive this message and I agree 100%

Jan 19 at 06:09 PM

Get it girl❤️👏❤️Way to get it in!


Jan 19 at 06:08 PM

Hey y’all- How’s everyone feeling today? I’m feeling pretty good with much energy.

Another Snack - green & red apples, greens, cucumbers,walnuts, 1 tsp of grape seed oil, juice from 1 lemon & cayenne 😋


Replied on Day 4 Detox - Snack

Jan 19 at 03:22 PM

Please stay far far away from the citrus, we don’t need you going into anaphylactic shock

Commented on About last night

Jan 19 at 03:20 PM

Great job staying on track!


Jan 19 at 02:27 PM

My afternoon snack


Commented on Another one...

Jan 19 at 01:06 PM

That’s what’s up!!


Jan 19 at 01:05 PM

Last night I felt like I didn’t go to sleep but surprisingly this day I’m energetic and not sleepy.

I forgot to take a pic of my breakfast but it was a oat,raspberries & banana smoothie :

1/3 cup oats

1 banana

1 cup of that homemade oatmilk I made the other day

1 handful of rasberries


Jan 19 at 06:46 AM

Thanks Jada, checking my email now

Jan 19 at 06:46 AM

Thanks Jada checking my email now❤️