
Jan 18 at 03:34 PM


Jan 18 at 03:33 PM

No not yet, I love Kale but it tastes so bitter in smoothies - (tastes better with pineapples though)

Jan 18 at 03:28 PM

Your fridge looks so appealing- this is a good idea ( sad to say mine looks nothing like that🤣🤣)


Jan 18 at 11:04 AM

I cup greens ( I used a mix of spinach, red &green Swiss chard, arugula, tatsoi)

1 1/4 cup of unsweetened homemade oat milk

1/2 cup blueberries

1 banana

2 tablespoons hemp seeds

Blend for two minutes -Creamy and delicious!


Jan 18 at 10:57 AM

Sis! I feel you. I’m on strike for two weeks. I’m not cooking for them- the next two weeks is what we call, “catch what you can get”!

Jan 18 at 10:56 AM

I had a smoothie that wasn’t t enjoyable (greens, strawberries &water -didn’t use banana because I already had some earlier) and I wondered about using dates , but I didn’t use them because of the high sugar - I was praying I could use them though 🤣🤣

Jan 18 at 10:53 AM

Thanks Tasha!

Commented on Day 3 yay!!!

Jan 18 at 10:53 AM


Commented on Detox day 2

Jan 18 at 09:58 AM

Looks amazing! I bet is tasted great too- looking for that recipe!

Jan 18 at 09:57 AM

What a great idea!!