Sipping Fiji instead of wine

Uh have you missed the memo? They been desiring to sleep with women with poor grooming and hygine practices since the days of the Moors occupying Spain. There’s literal paintings and Moorish testimony of them attempting to teach these women their bathing practices and sleeping with them happily. I don’t know why it keeps flying over Black womens head to place accountability where it belongs. The majority of these males have no self discipline and no self worth and foolish is any woman or man that desires to lay in a bed and dedicate their time to males like this without consideration of all things.

This girl is having sex as a form of self harm due to trauma she ain’t healing through. Regardless of her race this is something many Black women are also doing. Sexy Red was not someone’s figment of imagination there are many Black girls who function like her right in everyone’s backyard. Guess what? Black men will still sleep with them happily with no contraceptives!

Absolutely and she plays down the trauma for her own psychological survival. If Ak was her friend and wanted to see her win he would have walked with her through the process of getting help instead of taking advantage.

Just watch the video of him and Dreka it don’t look all that impressive. 🥱 Looks rather boring.

I believe that she’s slept with all of the men she’s named and then some. The realty that she said she gets sought out by high earning Black males who insist on having sex with her raw speaks more volumes about them than her. A large percentage of them lack self discipline and self respect. They damn sure don’t care about anyone’s health including hers or their own. That’s unattractive on all levels. They also love benefiting from sexually traumatized women who cope through sex which also hints at their deviance.

Great interview! I wish you would have asked her why she ended up ever getting arrested.

I pray that she heals and gets to live long enough to engage in healing.

Hell naw there’s a serious spike in bed bugs out West!! 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😖


Nov 18 at 11:07 AM

Pardon’s diss track and some other topics for next Phuckery Friday!

Tasha when you come back to do Phuckery Friday can you cover Pardi’s response to Megan? It was deep. Didn’t sound like an embarrassed man that abandoned ship sounded more like a man that valued therapy and his woman’s well being which wasn’t the response he gave to the rapper he dated before her. He seemed absolutely out of his mind when he was dating that other rapper.

There’s some other things we’d like to hear you speak on but completely understand if and why you wouldn’t. Keeping the show going is completely understood and overstood!

You letting your children eat food out here in these YT streets and you’re even inspiring some very notable YouTubers to utilize Patreon while building apps.

They can say a lot of things but they have to give credit where it’s due.

Keke has access to white actors with money. I don’t think she’s mentally well as many actresses aren’t well. I don’t believe the guy Darius is well either and probably does what he saw his dad or other Black males do to his mother and bi-racial rage is a very real frustration and aggression that does show up unfortunately sometimes in the form of abuse. I know that DV can hold someone captive for years and have them lying and saying everything is fine. I simply see her continuing to put herself in dangerous situations based off of her esteem issues. Money and talent is NEVER synonymous with healthy self esteem and self worth. Cardi B is another example of this.

I definitely believe she’s bi-sexual as she played the role in the movie NOPE of a lesbian very well.

Nov 09 at 03:36 PM



Nov 09 at 08:34 AM

KB❤️❤️ I couldn’t even listen to that guy or take it too serious. When Storm or Armon make Tasha videos or content I already begin to discredit it because it seems like click bait and clout chasing. Admons content on her is always bias and very mean and Storms is usually missing key details or it can also seem full of lies.

When she said she was booked to host it made sense that it was a paid opportunity and that people went in there and acted a fool because it was her and they know linking themselves to her good or bad garners attention.

I had checked out on it after the 24-48 hours that she didn’t really elaborate much outside of saying they showed up and tried to fight her. Once she confirmed that she was safe and her team was safe I was good.
