Sipping Fiji instead of wine

Nov 09 at 07:49 AM

It was briefly spoken about in the new video. I don’t think it was much for her to discuss honestly. All of the chaos was also turned into content by those that feed off of her so after that there wasn’t much left to say.


Nov 09 at 07:41 AM

I thought this was always a free space where we could speak our minds?
Has this become a space where we can only say good things about videos and about guest on the videos because we may disagree with the things that they say or how they say them?

I’ve never found myself being filtered from YouTube to this app for having an adverse take on topics.

If we don’t agree with verbal aggression towards a BW from a BT then my comments are being removed. I do have a problem with that especially because this app is not free and neither is it free to support these live shows which I actually don’t see the fan base of SS or TS paying to attend.

If the move is now to gain that audience that doesn’t want anyone speaking against them or having a difference of opinion please by all means let me know
Again as a Black Queer Woman I have no issue with the Trans Community but I do have an issue with bullying women who arrived here with an XX chromosome arrangement, just because they exist and have a stans that may not be in alignment with theirs.


Nov 09 at 04:21 AM

I see that my original comment was removed and I said what I said
 Some people don’t need to be sitting in the wine cellar they need to be sitting with a stronger clinical team and their misconduct and projections towards Black women for the sake of “entertainment” proves that. I actually identify as Queer from the 80s and 90s when it wasn’t safe to be one, which makes my comment about this matter being erased/filtered all the more entertaining to me.

The disrespect is unnecessary and crazy
it’s giving deep rooted mommy issues and resent of Black women and it’s extremely dangerous.

Nov 08 at 11:24 PM

So you have multiple humans that are insecure within their own skin regardless of transitions and hormone adjustments, that want to sit and play in your face. All of this becsuse you’re unapologetically proud to be a woman and unwilling to share or fork over your identity simply because they woke up and decided they should have it. There are some circuses worth entertaining and some worth passing by.

There are healthy transsexuals and healthy Black males bi and non conforming that are out here supporting Black women in and outside of their immediate families.

The venom and hatred for Black women that this individual sat down with and began to rattle off was very obvious.

They don’t need to sit down with Tasha K they/them needs to sit down with a stronger clinical team.


I believe these twins could very well have offsprings! The gay males be sliding through to get them kids if they want them! I went to high school with too many of them. They might need a few drinks in then to help fertilize those eggs but they are definitely out here flamboyantly having sex with women to get some children. However that particular twin in the video said he wants Samari children and I don’t think Beyonce has performed on that continent 37 times to give him that outcome.


Nov 06 at 03:14 PM

Ain’t no way they had you stomping the yard and swinging at that event and you not coming over here to tell us what transpried! Not YOUTUBE Tasha! 😂😂😂😂 we are waiting patiently over here to find out what really happened! That little snippet released by Storm STILL ain’t give us no real back story!



Nov 04 at 09:25 AM

I have missed the backstory on this and I know I’m not the only one đŸ˜©đŸ˜–
Tasha kept mentioning a fight but twice I missed the back story. Did this transpire on another guest appearance? I hope not on Zeus because I don’t watch that network.

Oct 30 at 12:10 AM

I just hope she truly meant what she said the other night
 and never gets distracted from that truth.

“To whom much is given much will be required”.

Commented on A message to Cheick

Oct 29 at 09:00 PM

Mr Cut the Check! â˜đŸŸ
