Sipping Fiji instead of wine


Oct 28 at 09:17 PM

My best friend/sister put me on to the channel when you were going in on R Kelly. It made me proud that someone decided enough was enough. Growing up there were a lot of R Kelly’s in the Black church and in the schools. It was nice to see one finally go down. I was really impressed. When you began going in on Cardi she stopped watching you and she really got upset with me continuing to watch your shows. She really enjoyed Cardi and I enjoyed her grind from stripping to celebrity status.
I realized she was very male identified and bullied women behind whatever male she clung to for validation and self worth. I could see that she would possibly self destruct over community sausage.
When you went in on Cardi she got upset that I continued watching your shows. There were other women that would unfollow me on social media because I watched your content and I had feedback about why you continued to go in on Cardi which you would eventually admit to in your live stream the other night.

I kept asking myself “Why do I watch this woman”?
It wasn’t until my mother asked me on my way to Miami why I watch you that I finally arrived at my answer.

Many of us have trauma as Black women that we may speak about or never speak about. Many of us can read the similarities in our traumas without them ever being spoken about. We familiarize ourselves with trauma responses and the various walls and guards that are put up in those defenses.
We know all too well what it looks like when someone is operating from a wounded space or from a healing space.
There’s certain mannerisms that you call “country” that I myself have and enjoy when I see it relatable in another person. I got it from my paternal family that I keep at an emotionally safe distance for reasons that are too easy to guess.

Trauma bonding isn’t healthy and often leads to co-dependency, however if sharing parts of one’s story and being vulnerable helps another human on their journey to surviving and thriving by any means, I’m here for it.
What you did the other night regardless of intention took a lot of courage, self awareness and resilience to do.
I deal with people in groups and individuals that share knowing that what they share can and will often be utilized against them by people sitting amongst them that have no intentions or will at this time to heal forward or to grow on what was shared.
It wasn’t a full 24 hours before your live and your name became “content” which is very telling of the other YouTubers who decided to turn that moment into content.

Keep daring to heal and daring to grow Tasha and I’ll keep watching..and attending live shows as long as they’re in places I actually enjoy traveling to. It’s like coming to see that cousin that knows about the family dysfunction but we keep it to ourself to have something to laugh about later.



Oct 28 at 01:31 PM

Hospital sector folks gotta play with PTO and Vacation days! I need the details so I can play with my days off to come back to TX. I turn that vegan and plant based stuff all the way off in TX so I can go enjoy Papadeux and 88 Boiling Crabs. 😂. I hope it’s Houston!

Commented on Jasmine!!

Oct 28 at 01:23 PM

Oh Lawd poor Jas it was the sneakers and the face beat the night of the show for sure…meanwhile Jas just trying to work in peace lol

I hope and pray that Papoose ain’t putting his hands and feet on Remmy!!! You can never tell these days what people are doing to their relatives and spouses when they’re behind closed doors. Sometimes the women who play the most hard end up being the most vulnerable ones! DV is no joke and the manipulation is no joke. If this is true I pray she gets out safely and that her children aren’t used against her and that he gets exposed so that he gets what he puts out.

Dwight Howard is a sexual deviant. No one has w problem with people enjoying whatever they enjoy behind closed doors as long as it doesn’t violate other living things and especially if it’s not assault of children! That man either did something to his son or had his son exposed to some things he should have NEVER been exposed to and now that boy is at risk and a risk to all other children that he manages to be in proximity to.

I won’t say what his ass need on Tasha K and Beyonce WiFi!


Oct 25 at 02:39 PM

I am happy to hear that you guys got half way there. Please let us know when you reach Jacksonville safely. 💕


Oct 25 at 06:28 AM

Montecella where are you guys flying back to? You can toggle airfare prices to find the cheapest flight between Miami and Ft Lauderdale to that place one way. It may be about $100 per head especially because you’re flying out on a Wed.

Commented on Karlissa nightmares!

Oct 24 at 05:13 PM

Omg omg and her raggedy ass son just came out and said that the toilet ass photo was actually dropped for him and his baby momma to compare her botched buns 😩😩😩😩😩 it just make the nightmares worse!!!

When Tasha called her the opp I was no more good 🥴😂😂😂😂


Replied on Security!

Oct 23 at 01:44 PM

KB❤️❤️ lol it was a Wino

Bondy so dope! I hope Tasha continues to utilize Bondy for vacations! Her coverage is so dope!