Natiala Hodge

Feb 11 at 01:04 PM


Feb 11 at 01:03 PM

Im feeling good Tash!



Feb 11 at 11:22 AM

Yall why my waist beads is falling offffff lol I need a SMALLER size now OMFGGGGG. If yall not doing this TK 14 day fast idk what you doing. Thank you soooo much for sharing Tasha 🍷🫶🏾


Feb 10 at 10:56 AM

LaToya by the grace of God I’m better today lol. I went to a party and they had all kind of ish so I was on being tested. Today I’m good. Come on sis we got this, 4 more days to go. We CAN do, even if it takes more prayer lol but we got this ❤️🍷

Feb 09 at 08:48 PM

Me toooooooooo


Feb 09 at 01:36 PM

I agree with you. I think because I went to an event last night my nose wants what I smelled. However, I want to make this a lifestyle change. We got this 🫶🏾💪🏾🍷

Feb 09 at 01:34 PM

Oh I’m focused baby I am going all the way. I tested myself last night by going to a galentines party. Tasha I ate all the dam fruit and veggies off them trays 😂😂 them people was looking at me crazy. I brought my 100oz water jug so I wouldn’t have to drink anything they had. Needless to say they looked at me crazy BUT I told them I was fasting, told them about you, now they wanna be winos 😂. The party ended with me sitting my phone up so we could watch your past shows on here. Girl they loved you 🍷❤️

Feb 09 at 01:19 PM

I can deal with the no sugar or junk but I want some fish or meat 😩

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Feb 09 at 10:38 AM

Tasha hun we believe you. You have always been open about everything, you put it out there alllll the time. You good hun we love you and what you do for yours is what you do. Can’t nobody tell you how when or where to raise your kids. F* them people talking ish


Feb 07 at 01:17 PM

Tashaaaaa hey hun. Can I post my recipe books from Amazon to ask the winos for support?