Natiala Hodge

Tashaaaaaaa it’s so much going on in the streets please please stop teasing us 😩😂😂 get back to work Chal we need you sheesh

Commented on Live Show

Sep 18 at 07:33 PM

That’s what I want to know cause it’s been wayyyyyy to dam long and too much is going on… TASHAAAAAAAA bring ya tail in here ma’am we need answers 😩😩😩


Replied on Wednesday live

May 10 at 07:37 PM

Not yet… they’re saying 7cst

Replied on Wednesday live

May 10 at 07:27 PM

Ohhhh ok well as long as she coming.. guess I’ll go grab my drank


Replied on Wednesday live

May 10 at 07:24 PM

Oh shit lol ok

Replied on Wednesday live

May 10 at 07:24 PM

Good dang thing you were listening cause baby I was stalking this app lol

Replied on Wednesday live

May 10 at 07:19 PM

Ok cause I rushed right on over 😂

Commented on Wednesday live

May 10 at 07:19 PM

Please Tasha come on these kids over here watching nick cannon lol 🆘 with the live

Replied on Wednesday live

May 10 at 07:17 PM

She did say right after YouTube right lol