
Commented on BTS- Tasha K on Stage!

Mar 05 at 03:47 PM

Oooh Tasha is getting ready! She looks like she's gonna be on one come Wednesday! I hope y'all show up and OUT!!

Mar 05 at 03:45 PM

I thought I was the only one 🤣
And even then I probably won't. I think I have only 1 picture of my husband of 27 years, on my FB page and he's with a bunch of other people. I don't have time to be going through a walk down memory lane as I delete pics if we should ever get divorced. All my family and friends know him of course, after so many years, and vice versa, so I don't need pics. Shoot, it hurts when I've had to take down photos of old friends I've lost along the way, so having to do that for a spouse would just about do me in!
He was setting up a new situation to replace his wife for sure! This reminds me of the docu-series 'Love Fraud' about Richard Scott Smith. At least he didn't get the chance to con her out of money. But if he's back with his wife, he better sleep with one eye open, because she's plotting!
Thank you so much! I'll be able to give a testimony on how I got over! Congratulations 🎉 on all the content on your OWN platform Mrs. Kebe! To be a Pisces is to be a force of nature so keep blowing the dust at the haters BEHIND you! 🤣🍷🍷
They most certainly did. And THEN turned around and made it where they can't be sued if they do it again to another family!
Boosie said that? Really? 👀🤣
Did he say that's my truths or my truce? The alleged son of LL?
Yes Tasha, raw food diet is hard to do. I have my surgery for colon-rectal surgery on March 7th & that's why I'm going to miss your 1st live show. But yes ma'am, western medicine is rough on the body & it makes you want to die.