
I might not have the popular opinion about this shit-uation but here goes. I think he sold her wolf 🐺 tickets & she fell for it. Here's why I believe that she feels they were in a relationship: She sent him $$ to pay his Amex bill. I don't know of any ”side chick" that gives money, but they sure will take it. We're talking about this girl like she's a homewrecker, but we don't know what his pillow talk game was like or what lies he told her... probably the same lies he's been telling his wife. Plus, we talk about the open Hollywood relationships like Monique and Jada, & other marriages of convenience built on business, but find it hard to believe this woman couldn't be suckered? Was she foolish? Absolutely!! But that doesn't mean she felt like the other woman. He went out of his way, like a typical narcissist, to make her feel like it was all about her & to hold on until his finances were good enough to leave his "wife." We can see that from the texts every time she was fed up & ready to leave, he would flip the script on her & try to make her feel disloyal. Tasha K is right & I think Eddie Murphy said in 'Delirious' once a man makes a woman go Oooh (hits that bottom), he got her unless she has an epiphany. Unique was wrong for dealing with a married man, no doubt, but is she any different than LaTocha? You can't tell me she doesn't know her husband is out here cheating & being a whole ho, but she stays. Or this ninja hit the lottery & found the 2 most naive women in the world & have them both at the same time. Unique isn't innocent but I feel she really & truly believed that he was going to leave LaTocha and be with her & that he HAD to stay because he didn't have any $$ of his own. Unique's position was "There's a sucker born every minute," and LaTocha's is "It takes a fool, to learn that love don't love nobody!"... Especially when you're dealing with a narcissistic a-hole that got game. Either way, LaTocha ain't going nowhere & only time will tell whether or not Unique will take EDWARD back now that she KNOWS for SURE that she's the other woman. Last thing to remember is this: If a man TRULY loves you, a woman can come along & serve her ill-na-na on a gold platter and he won't touch it. So ultimately, it's ALWAYS the man's fault if he cheats! 💯 Ok, that's the end of my novella. 🤣🤣

Mar 23 at 08:08 PM

Ooh Tasha…Edward (right?) is gonna be Texas Pete hot about this right herr!🥵🤣🍷🍷

Commented on Chicken

Mar 23 at 08:05 PM

And it’s all held together with meat glue. Scandalous 😒🥺😳😱
I want to tell you a personal story, not to change your mind, but maybe soften your heart. I was 18 when I married my 1st husband. He treated me very well until we came back from our honeymoon and then all bets were off. I wanted & needed help but I was around females who would say things like it's the woman's fault for getting beat, be a better wife (my elders & church members); And the people my age would make comments about the stupidity of women who stay in abusive relationships. I ran to family in another state and he showed up there with a gun threatening to kill them if I didn't come home. Around the same time, my best friend's sister had run away from her abusive husband & was in the same small city I was in, except he came from out of town & emptied a gun into her on her mother's porch. I went back to protect my family & suffered for years in silence. Sometimes things look so simple & clear from the outside looking in, but there are extenuating circumstances that no one but the 2 of them & God will know as to why she stayed. I can only tell you why I stayed & hopefully it may soften your heart: I was scared & thought that I had to protect my family; The weight of condemnation & judgment from the church & those in my inner circle/peers let me know that I wouldn't get any help; Back then, the police didn't help women, especially in the Black community. All of those things anchored me to that situation with no hope of help or change. Look, you're certainly entitled to your opinion but I don't want you to lose sight of the fact that many factors will keep you tied to a relationship/marriage that's past its expiration date, especially if the man is unstable & thinks of you as a possession. Please keep an open mind since domestic violence is so prevalent in the Black community & trust me when I tell you NO woman would stay to continue to be beaten or mistreated if they have hope and/or help. Just think about MAYBE being more understanding & sympathetic to your sisters-in-spirit. Have a wonderful day! 💖🍷

Mar 21 at 03:05 PM

Ty. I KNOW this is just going to be fuel for Tasha to do greater things. I don't want her to think about the negative aspects & beat herself up. Tasha is a strong woman and she'll use this as motivation. That's what Pisces do!

Mar 21 at 02:58 PM

Thanks. It's the truth though. Tasha needs a moment to grieve and that's ok. We love & support her and as a strong woman, I trust & believe that this is just a bump in the road and it can't stop her. PERIODT!

Mar 21 at 10:47 AM

Bornto Speak... Doggone autocorrect!

Mar 21 at 10:46 AM

I apologize for being late with my response. On FB, my name is Born to Speak because they don't allow numbers In your name unless it's a business account. Thanks for looking into it when you get a moment. 💖🍷

Mar 21 at 10:42 AM
