
Replied on Gena Tew

Jun 24 at 04:29 PM

Say what now? This reminds me of an African man who the people said had the ability to cure AIDS. “ALLEGEDLY” he was approached by big Pharma for the recipe/concoction but he refused saying that health shouldn’t be monetized, but I never heard about him again, like he was disappeared. Sort of like Moses West who invented how to extract moisture from the air we breathe, that makes drinking water, called the Atmosphere Water Generation machine (AWG), needs to be careful. Tasha as you look into how Gena Tew was cured, can you find out whether the story about the African man curing AIDS is true or an urban myth? Tysm. 🍷🍷


Replied on New Release

Jun 24 at 02:54 PM

I had that issue once. I checked to make sure the app didn’t need an update first (it didn’t), then I cleared the cookies and cache for the app (not the data though) and the video started right up when I returned to the app. Pls reply to TK LIVE if you’re getting error msgs. I hope 🤞🏽 everything gets fixed because the movies I’ve seen have been gooooood! They remind me of how BET movies used to be in the beginning! Good Luck.

Jun 23 at 11:12 PM

The lady in the fuchsia wanted all the smoke…Cigarettes, cigars, house fire, vape pen and anything else you can think of! I’m snickering a little but I AM concerned about shaken baby syndrome for real 😳

Replied on Where’s Tasha?

Jun 23 at 10:39 PM

Double FACTS! Grieving ain’t easy or for the weak of heart. Tasha release, relax and recharge. As broke as my ass is I’m not going anywhere. The fact that we give more sympathy for illness than loss of a loved one is sad. Heck, I was down for 2 weeks for a migraine, so a passing away of someone close to you deserves more consideration! And Tasha STILL thought of us by giving a great fill-in instead of reruns and dead air! Take your time and heal sis!! 🍷🍷


Replied on I f*cks with you.

Jun 23 at 10:30 PM

ME TOOOOO. Girrlll you don’t know how much I missed being up in the mix. Migraine had me UNDER the house for 2+ weeks, but as soon as I crawled out of bed, I ran to this app! Tasha made it all better in 2.5 secs and she wasn’t even on tonight 🤣🤣 🍷🍷gang for life!


Jun 23 at 10:22 PM

Oh the heartfelt, sincere apology done made Cardi shake da table *K. Michelle voice* I canNOT with you Tasha 🤣🤣 Done fell out my chair checking to make sure I didn’t break my hip! 🤣🤣

Kelis doing a Color Purple. “How he die? On top of me! 🤣🤣

Tom Cruise going to get you into Scientology where you can’t get free without faking your death!

Tasha said she’s a Petty Betty for LIFE!! 🍷🍷🤣🤣💯

I feel sorry for this woman because a man that is a narcissistic manipulator can play on your emotions and laugh while doing it! Everyone always think the only way a man can hurt you is physically. My great-grandmother always said you have to be careful what type of man you let run up in you because as you're having sex or making love, energy is exchanged on a spiritual level that can literally break your soul. Our elders had it right and in this new age of "enlightenment" we're worse off than ever before. Smh