Teacqua Weathersby

That was a fuckup interview hell i could have done better then that shit ,


Trina Folkes ok that’s a young female , looking at what’s Between the legs, a real woman or should I say, a more mature woman, wouldn’t even look his fucking way


not at all , and she really didn’t ask the right Questions she was too busy drinking and kicking it like they best buddies. That was not a good interview. I fell asleep on this shit.


what the hell was this , smdh this Interview Was a shit show


Jan 23 at 11:29 PM

this shit is so Confusing whoever designed it I’ve been looking for Martel interview can’t find it this page is So confusing

Jan 23 at 12:53 AM

what happen to this Interview

Wait, wait wait I thought she said they did a paternity test , any came back 99. 9%. He’s a father, so why is her lawyer instructing her to record him because it’s the only way they would know that he’s the father of the child make it make sense
wowwww that’s all i can say