Tawana G

Chicago, IL, United States

Lisa you serious you think I’m using her for clout? She’s the one tagging me and including me in an argument I’m not even apart of you can’t be that blind you can clearly see that woman is trying to use me for views. My YouTube history is much longer than her. The story they’re trying to use is that I did a copyright strike on a channel that was supporting Chantel. Mind you I was also supporting her as so why the fuck would I do that? They’re lying. I didn’t do that and they know it. I’ll tell you this they know because you can clearly see who copyright strike someone. They’re starting drama out of no where. That’s the first sign ppl are using your name for click bait. They’re creating drama to be relevant. Trust me I’m not using neither of those bitches for shit.

Clarence Freeman but she wants to tell ppl I’m the one saying this and trying to bring up things about me because you put this out there.

If the child is 8 years old you call that willingly fucking?

Clarence Freeman she won’t answer me either. When ppl start lying they won’t confront you. Her or your daughter. They think I copyright striked someone’s channel. It’s the dumbest thing ever. I told them I didn’t do it. They continue to lie and say I did. Now I see how their minds work. They create false narratives to justify their dirty work. Liars.

Clarence Freeman instead she’s online trying to research and make videos about me. She accused me of starting this rumor about you two. She’s really out here making up stuff to justify things she’s doing. Kim told me you’re lying. She said below she don’t know you but I will say she’s grouping me in trying to make a story. She’s weird.

Diamond Farrow listen here bitch stop playing with me. I’m not the one.

Fredricka Spencer I can’t keep up with this case it’s all over the place so much going on. If she get justice I think that’ll be great. Idk what to believe anymore.


Lisa I never said I believe Clarence. I just don’t want no association or involvement. You see the things they’re doing why would I want to be around that.

Kimmies World I can’t wait till you talk to Anton and he give you receipts lol. Please post them. If anyone believes you they got to be slow. Keep tagging me and making videos about me and claiming I’m using you. It’s unreal how removed from reality you are and disgusting person.

KMAC she really trying to throw me in the conversation with Clarence so she can get attention. Trust me ain’t no tea except bs these bitches creating in their minds. Don’t even waste your time.
