Armando some difference of opinion but we do agree there was some self-hate to have married a woman who made comments that were obviously racist. I do also agree with you about men wanting to marry what is considered 'exotic' for trophy's. That unfortunately has been going on for years. It's like folks get money and all of a sudden the women who nurtured them and always loved them are not good enough. Where we differ is, I believe that people change. In that interview saw a person who did a self journey. He said she wasn't willing to work on herself. Trust me, I have been in a situation like that. Also let's not glaze over the fact she was abused. Told her mother who her abuser was and her mom didn't believe her until she became an adult. They still have not worked through that and this is the woman you leave your child with. 🤔 Nope. Nope. Nope. But again like I told my children be careful who you have children with. You will be tied to them until someone dies. Not just 18 years.

Tilapia is fished in Africa. I hear if you eat it their it is the best. The the ones in the US are trash.

If she is coming out the gate saying she had been keeping the child away from him.....🤔 What's insane is the baby has two parents. Those others help when it's needed. I think he is looking to have more time with his child, he has grown and learned and doesn't want to repeat the sins of the past. He has done a lot of work on himself. Let's look at the fact that he married a woman that said on NATIONAL tv that she messed with DARK meat on the side. Sooooo you gone tell me that a woman who says that suddenly changed her opinion. It screamed self hate. But again, he worked on himself and I found the Nia Long interview refreshing.

I have been saying if Jay goes to jail she will truly be FREE. I know she is hoping he does go to jail. He told y'all he a P.I.M.P.🤣

Omg!!!! I went and looked up the video and they did have her zipped up as if she was already dead. Wth!!!!


That dirty bitch that dirty bitch Kim! Reggie Bush seen all the hand writing on the wall. I bet he got in that house and peeped the behind the curtain and was like nope nope nope. And I'm sure his black mama cursed some folks out too. 🤣Remember how we found out about him and that jersey stuff and he had to return the Heisman Trophy, right when he got with Kim. Chris and Kim possibly set that up so he would be dependent on them for the rest of his success.


That's why when I was young and single I had a rule. I never asked any man money and in turn if EVER a man asked me for money that would be the last time he would see me. Nope. I am not your wife or your mom. Sad thing is he is probably not giving his mom or granny any money either. So sad

Wow! Tina sounds like a woman who is trying to die but masks it with 'I'm not going to die'. She has been through so much and it seems her spirit is damaged. My heart just goes out to the family for her. Please talk her into going to get the biopsy.


Wow Katrina Fox I found out that my daughters father had molested her. She didn't tell me until she was 30 years old. It all started to make sense why she hated him so much and openly said to me at any time how much she hated him prior to telling me what happened.
