Clarence Freeman

Your YouTube thing was over 5 hours long. I loved how you said you and others were going to take Tasha K down end her career. I sent the link to her team, they was like they ain't worried about you people. You a joke! You said you going to get me in prison. You can't do that if your life depended on it. Especially with Kimmie helping you. She won't fix her teeth but she going to put me in prison. Kimmie showed a picture of my penis and said it's proof I molested My daughter. She a bad investigator lol 


That document only speaks of that incident and limited things not everything. You act like that one thing of allegations is the life story of Chantel. That document does make it clear I wasn't able to be prosecuted. I wonder why!!! You that low budget chic was lying on me yesterday also. 


I already been in court and investigated longer than Michael Jackson was and proven innocent, released and completely exonerated, record wiped clean and after this same investigation given full custody of all my children. Facts 


Chantel isn't being blamed for what happened to her. She being blame for having a lot of victims of her own and the lies she is telling as a grown woman. She been caught in so many lies on video but none of yall talking about that. Again if I don't have Genitial Warts who gave it to her? Why you and your crew saying mom never abused her or let men touch her for drugs? Mom abusing a child doesn't stir up yall sister but if you say a black man did it Boom yall up and crazy.


KB last time i checked im not a bad guy. I bet yall can't produce 2 women outside this mess to talk bad about me. When all this happened that same document you talking about says I gave a nice of women whom I was active with for years and all those women made it clear I was clean and never gave them nothing. I'm a well established man love and I live real good. I wonder why women ain't just coming out saying horrible things about me! I'm so bad it should be plenty lined up talking mess. Truth is I'm more good than bad. If I'm what you claiming man it would be a 1000 talking mess about me. 


naya why the conclusion of these documents says I was exceptionally cleared, why the conclusion all charges dropped, why the conclusion they even removed the arrest off my record, why the conclusion of the documents free me and I'm Free today and will always be free? What's fact is I wasn't able to be prosecuted period. Like it or not that's the only Fact in those documents. Everything was dropped and thrown out. None of yall can explain that. All yall legal experts lol


KB im glad you was there. Tell us what mom did. Why mom made over 23 claims of sexual abuse against me from 1995 to 2003 and said I was raping both Chantel and Brandon. Why not one claim was ever proven to be true? Why no claim In this police report was proven to be true? All the people involved in making this police report you telling all of them wasn't credible and nothing they said couldn't be verified? DNA and everything cleared me but you saying I did it. Kimmie says she got the proof. How she got it and the Justice Department don't? Answer that.


KB you the type who has mental problems. If one allegation was proved out of 10 I would be in prison. Only a fool would believe I'm guilty and the police, the Judges, the prosecutors, CPS, the detectives all covering up for Me. It was proven I didn't have Gential Warts so if I don't have it, who gave it to her? My ex said in that police report Chantel and her brother has breakouts, not me. As Chantel said my ex wife who framed me for all this also made her lie and say I never touched her after the fact. It appears the people you trusting was proven to be liars. All of them infected except me, how is that? Make it make sense, you can't because you want Me to be guilty. Smh 


Pashon ask Kimmie this, if i was raping my son too like it was reported over 23 times, why doesn't my son Brandon have Genital Warts now or as a child? Chantel gave it to her brother, her use to be friend Nesha, Tamara her ex boyfriend, her ex friend Shay brother. Ask Kimmie to verify if Chantel told these men and young lady if she told these people before she slept with them. Matter of fact she did the opposite she blamed Shays brother of giving her herpes. Tell her to call Shay and see what she says on camera. Shay definitely keeps it real. Wait how about Irish that pour young lady who said on Breakbeat media comments that she knows Chantel and how Chantel hurt her. She didn't tell this person she was sick and infected her and the girls boyfriend. Kimmie doesn't care about that at all. She is the one who empowers a monster. Kimmie thinks Cardie B supposed to help them against Tasha K, they tagged her for some reason lol. 


Kimmies World why your opinion doesn't address the lies Chantel been caught in especially the one told today that she been telling all her tricks and sex partners she has Herpes and Genital Warts. That's what she said today. You and the other lady said yall going to put Tasha K out of business and Tasha K protecting child molesters ME. You telling people it's court proof im spreading diseases but every woman who been in my life over 35 years to present never accused me of giving them nothing. 
