Kimmies World you the same lady lying saying you got proof im a child molester with your receipts and read between the lines. What's facts is I was cleared to not have Genital Warts that would have connected me to the crime. The most critical part of the investigation. Now you the same woman who said your husband going to deal with me. You Cyber Bullying me and responsible for these death threats lately. Now you lying saying I threatened you. Had my stuff taken off Instagram because you don't like me setting the record straight. You and all your clowns I'm going to sue you and everyone who posts anything against you, you delete their comments. You are worse than Chantel and what's sad is you really want me to be a child molester. You have went so far to say an 11 year boy wasn't abused by mom, you saying Chantel wasn't abused by mom, mom abused no one. I guess the State put them kids in foster care for nothing. Mom surely told them I was dead.Â
Replied on Part 5 | The Freeman Case- Chantel Freemans Sister Responds To Her Rape Allegations!
Apr 17 at 01:13 AM
Kimmies World whats funny is why not one allegation was proved. If 1 out of 10 was proven and 9 were false, I would be in prison. You said I wasn't investigated. You said I refused to let them check me while I was in custody. As an inmate how could I refuse anything.Â