Shayauni Williams


Apr 22 at 01:52 AM

Heyy y'all! I'm not over hear trying to promote this lady's products after how she did Tasha. BUT just as a heads up the embrace Pangaea lady seems to be trying to rectify her wrong doings of not giving people their orders by now allowing customers to fill out a form online if you never received your order. I don't know about y'all but I want my shit! I spent $167 the last time I ordered from her! And whats worse is I used afterpay to pay for it 🀣. That was major lost for me. I live paycheck to paycheck child. Anywho for anyone who might like to still receive their order for last year the link I posted below is the form you fill out to say you never received your order. So lets see if she actually does the right thing and send people the stuff they paid for.

P.S: If this post is not allowed in the community board then delete



Apr 16 at 12:02 PM

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For some reason the app keeps saying I need to update my subscription in order to see the community board. But I have the highest subscription which is the $12.Β  And I can obviously see the community board from the website just not the app. Tasha and Team can this be fixes please? Thank you in advance ☺️ πŸ₯°



Mar 22 at 02:34 PM

I'm swinging my internet arms for you TK in these comments section on Instagram!!! I don't play about TK



Jan 29 at 11:47 PM

I'm breaking my fast with my two favorite juices that i drank throughout this whole detox journey! What a new out look on life I have after this detox! From now on I will be incorporating intermittent fasting in my daily routine. I will fluctuate between doing 18:6 and 20:4 intermittent fasting. I'm not at a point where I can completely cut out meat or carbs but I can definitely live a more plant based life that's for sure. And build a healthy relationship with food. During this detox I started at 150.0lbs and now I am down to 141.1lbs. Almost 10lbs! I never lost this much weight in such a short amount of time especially after having a baby 6mths ago. Congratulations to all the winos who tried the Detox!! WE DID IT Y'ALL!🩡😁



Jan 27 at 10:23 AM

I done lost track of what day we are on. I just been fasting like it's apart of my everyday routine lol. Some plz tell me what day are we on?



Jan 25 at 10:50 PM

I got this nagging sweet tooth at the back of my head trying to get me to go eat some chocolate. But I stayed the course and made sweet potato fries



Jan 22 at 11:23 AM

I'm on day 7 of the detox (the fasting part) and truth be told I'm not even hungry. Day 6 was a little rough starting the fast cause I really wanted to eat but now going into day 7 I'm not even hungry. Just been taking my olive leaf and drinking lots of water. I break my fast at 5:30pm tonight and I ain't stressing about it😌



Jan 20 at 04:15 PM

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I was inspired to make this because I had a bunch of vegetables getting ready to go bad! Plus I love to eat Korean Vegetable pancakes whenever I can. I got creative with it and ground up some the uncooked oats to make oat flour to make the batter for this, then just added some baking powder and cornstarch and seasonings. I used avocado oil to fry them up and Viola!! Vegetable pancakes



Jan 20 at 11:25 AM

I don't know if it's just me but the gas is real chile. I'm farting up a storm that my kids and husband gotta run away from me. πŸ₯ΉI know that it's normal during this detox process because of all the fiber in the fruits and vegetables but man am I embarrassed 😳. I'm πŸ’© at least 2 times a day which I hope it's getting rid of all the unnecessary waste in my gut cause I have a little mommy pouch yall but the weight is slowly falling off.



Jan 16 at 10:03 AM

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It took me all night to juice and make myself a vegan dinner! But it was so worth it because everything was good! I'll be drinking and eating this for the next couple of days. I know prepping ahead of time will keep me disciplined. I also weighed myself this morning and I'm at 150lbs. I just had my 3rd baby boy 6 months ago so I'm looking to shed some weight. I had some Organic Rasberry Leaf tea (no sugar/honey) and a banana for breakfast. I needed this particular tea because I just started my period yesterday πŸ™„ and I don't take Tylenol or ibuprofen anymore so this tea will help with the cramps. So anyways y'all happy detoxing! We can do this!!🩡