Shayauni Williams

Hahaha I loved this live! It was funny towards the end!
I'm 100% here for TK and Cheik and Chelsea commentary on the MIC 🎀! This is exactly what I paid for! I love hearing the opinions of everyone on the teamπŸ™ŒπŸΎ
Lol will somebody please explain the inside joke about how Cardi B is Tasha's sister in law. I'm confused lol
Awe look at little Lamine! Lol this was funny Tasha!!
She's too naive for me! Listen to what Tasha is saying. Don't let her advice go in one ear and out the other.

Feb 03 at 03:55 PM

I'm starting round 2 with my husband this time!! You go girl!πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ©΅
She was definitely jealous and bitter! You can admit your wrong doings but can't admit your jealous and bitter that Chante didnt do time? Cause why in the fuck wouldn't you just say Chante benefited from the illegal doings of Moses? I would've sang like a canary on Chante. Hell lock her ass up too!


Jan 29 at 11:47 PM

I'm breaking my fast with my two favorite juices that i drank throughout this whole detox journey! What a new out look on life I have after this detox! From now on I will be incorporating intermittent fasting in my daily routine. I will fluctuate between doing 18:6 and 20:4 intermittent fasting. I'm not at a point where I can completely cut out meat or carbs but I can definitely live a more plant based life that's for sure. And build a healthy relationship with food. During this detox I started at 150.0lbs and now I am down to 141.1lbs. Almost 10lbs! I never lost this much weight in such a short amount of time especially after having a baby 6mths ago. Congratulations to all the winos who tried the Detox!! WE DID IT Y'ALL!🩡😁


Jan 27 at 11:09 AM

Lol seriously girl! Like this is my lifestyle now

Jan 27 at 11:08 AM
