
Lisa Chantelle get outta here with your lies


Lexi you attract broke men I’m sure, that’s why you can’t see well. I see through those suits and too tight pants. He is struggling

Unpopular Opinion Podcast coleslaw… go and make Martell marry you hoe. Stop writing on peoples comments


Unpopular Opinion Podcast trama bonding?? Not every woman has been cheated on or hit a man! That’s very telling of your life. If you hate melody.. just say that jezebel


Takia W says the woman with a bad built body.. girl bye. You must be related to coleslaw


Tam where did she say that bc the youngest is about the same age? They werent separated. Where is the paperwork?


Tanja Greene never said she was a saint but this man lying through his bald head. It take two to mess up a marriage but this man had a baby while married. They were not separated. They were still living together and no separation papers filed. Martell ain’t ish! Period. I stand on what I said
