Danie sheree

Jan 29 at 09:03 PM

Thank you. Your up next!
We did it girl!!! There so much awesomeness to unpack here!! Proud of you!


Jan 29 at 08:16 PM

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Day 14 in the books and I am late once again. I had know idea i could do this. We did this yall!!! Oh and why didn’t anybody tell me that going plant based vegan was cheaper!!! I stocked my entire freezer and refrigerator and spent $144.00 and like $20 on all the good fruit and veggies. That is the cheapest i have ever spent to stock my entire refrigerator and freezer. I am so all in.

WE DID ITπŸ†πŸ₯‡πŸ†πŸŽ‰πŸ†

Yesss girl!!!! I have been waiting in your update!!! I am not far behind


Jan 29 at 09:44 AM

The photo didn’t attach



Jan 29 at 09:44 AM

So here we are!!! Good morning beauties. We are here. Let me tell you the 23 hour fast was such a breeze. I was 20 mins late to eat and trying to rush because i knew i would only have one hour to eat. Well i only ate for like 25 mins. So i started my 24 hour fast early.

Pro tip: stay busy and the hours fly by.

I am more than half way through the 24 hour fast? How many more hours do you have? Have you started thinking about what you will do on day 16?

I purchased my first ever vegan cookbook. I have really thoroughly browsed our vegan grocery store. I purchased some vegan Parmesan cheese. I am ready and confident to continue in the plant based journey.

Now i have also set expectations for myself. I am allowing myself 3oz of meat once a week. Also when i eat out this will be my β€œcheat” meal. I don’t eat out much at all so these will be meaningful outings with great company and good times. However in my home there will be a plant based diet PERIOD!!!

Detoxers (Winos) let me tell you there is a whole delicious looking world of plant based foods out there. We proved that with our own creative recipes that we proudly shared.

This is emotional because we are at the end, we one the race!πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†

I have to be honest and say in the beginning i questioned if i could do it (especially when it came to the fasting) but because of the way Tasha held our hand and gave us this beautiful transition this was actually a breeze. To think my biggest struggle was actually eating! Yes there were mental challenges but everyday i was rushing to eat because i would go over the fasting hours.

My body is so thankful. And on the behalf of the people in my life who i put on the detox with me they also thank you Tasha.

Also thank all of you for being the support system and sisterhood that made this fun and easy! I enjoyed this so much. It was actually a fun experience which i was not expecting…

Chelsea thank you for the planner which i referred to often!

Thank you to our whole community for allowing me to use the community board as journal. Thank you all for posting your lows and your highs. And thank you for all of the wonderful recipe ideas. As someone who is constantly having to think about nourishment and entertainment for others it was nice to be inspired by my community for my own nourishment.

Ok guys so let’s finish out this day. Let’s get it! Let’s go! πŸ₯‡

Remember as always get that H2o πŸ’§πŸ’¦πŸ’§πŸ’¦.

And y’all we are here! We did it! I love you guys! I am proud of us! I am proud of you!

And that damn Tasha K!!! Thank you girl for literally saving a whole community. Our lives are the better for it! Much πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š and see you all Monday! Looking forward to reading all the testimonialsπŸ˜‰

Dani (Danielle) Sheree πŸ’šπŸŒ±πŸ’šπŸŒ±πŸ’š


Jan 28 at 06:51 PM

You got this. How did it go today?

Commented on Praise Report

Jan 28 at 06:18 PM

YesssπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š!!! But if you keep praise dancing around your fasting tail gonna loose 20lbs and not be able to fit them again.πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†. And I am so excited for you. Enjoy your night out.πŸ’š

Commented on Life

Jan 28 at 03:18 PM


Jan 28 at 03:17 PM

Thank you sis.., this has become like a journal for me.. i think for all of us doing it. We are either writing in the journal looking at the journal or both.