Feminine Melanin Univ đź’– Jada LaRue

Jan 20 at 11:37 AM

Chileeeee you over there clearing the house out yet you’re probably getting peace as well…sounds like the detox is doing its job…pooping twice a day is great…people should be pooping like that on the regular…they say once a day but you should be pooping mornings and evenings/nights…seems like you had some stuff you needed to clear, Dear! High five for getting it done!!! Your colon, etc is thanking you!

Commented on Ya'll stink??

Jan 20 at 11:34 AM

Yeah I believe it’s the fish oil because the flesh is being fed clean things…so it can’t be the detox itself…lol@the gator house

Jan 20 at 11:27 AM


Jan 20 at 11:27 AM

Yes, I am allergic. Pineapples, Oranges, Lemons, Limes, even Tomatoes. Citrus Acid all together. But SOMETIMES I live on the edge!!! Long as I got my epipen and my mother around LOL!!!


Commented on Thank you

Jan 20 at 11:24 AM

Sorry to read what you were going thru! I'm happy you found Tasha, signed up for her app, AND joined the challenge!!! May continuous peace, love, patience, faith, happiness, fortune, desire, wellness, and innovation be with you from here forth!!! HAPPY 49th BIRTHDAY EARLY!!! Ooooowwwww!!!

Commented on The energy is REAL!!

Jan 20 at 10:20 AM

Yyyyaaasss!!! Ain't that the truth!!!

Shoutout to those who showed Chelsea some love for all her hard work!!!


Jan 20 at 10:09 AM

So when I'm feeling seductive and "excited", I grab all the fruits I feel are sweet and seductive and blend them together such as:

  • Bananas
  • Peaches
  • Raspberries
  • Goji Berries
  • Apricots
  • Mangoes
  • Cantaloupes
  • Strawberries
  • Cherries
  • and Oats

It's sooooooo delicious!!! And fulfilling!!!

(And here's the weird part for anyone that wants to read on) After I make this, I go sit my hot tail down at my momma's house with my epipen LOL Why do I go to her house? Cause she's a retired HRN that worked in CCU & ICU...baybaeee she's gone save my life if the epipen doesn't smh...then after I go from a decently flat stomach to looking 9 months pregnant due to the reaction, I go home and curl up with my body pillow because I'm in pain ...all this just so I can have 3 pineapple chunks...I'm stubborn...I know...smh...I used to be able to eat it for over 20 years of my life before suddenly having allergic reactions. Nonetheless, when I wake up later on at night and my stomach is back...I'M READY TO PLAY!!! I be wetter than water!!! Now if I'm single, I just turn on some good old school R&B Love Makers and put the pole up until I burn out the energy.


Commented on Half a gallon a day

Jan 20 at 09:30 AM

That's better than nothing!!! High five... Water is essential!!!

Replied on post was deleted

Jan 19 at 06:14 PM

No problem, hun! I just finished emailing you the file. Let me know if you have any problems accessing it!